So, I thought that I might perphaps start a sort of blog series to help non bookish people get into the book world. Today I thought I would focus on the importance of reading as you've more than likely guessed by the title.
So, why? Why read?
Reading is so so so important for so many different reasons. Reasons which I will outline today in this post. The first reason is education. Reading is vital for education. As I'm sure you have been told you are more likely to do well in your studies and exams if you read. Just think if you get a really good book, how much information about punctuation and grammar are you taking in without even realising it? I'm sure you've heard the saying 'you learn something new every day' but by being a reader your more likely to learn something new every day.
Now we all know that life is stressful whether your in school or university or wherever but do you know that reading can actually reduce your stress levels? Is truly can, honestly. So if your ever feeling stressed about a piece of work that you haven't started but it's due tomorrow I want you to take a set back for just five minutes and read a book, any book (as long as you like it). Five minutes is all it really takes to refresh yourself, this will also help to improve the standard of your work because after reading you should be more focused.
The third point I am going to make is experience. Books can open up your mind to whole lot of new experiences because you as reader have direct access to all these different scenarios and so you can experience things without actually having to do anything but read the words on the page. Also reading can help develop empathy because when your reading a book you tend to care for certain characters. You can also feel what your protagonist is feeling for example scared or excited depending on the situation.
I thought that also I might recommend a book each time I do this so this time I will recommend Every Day by David Levithan because it is just a fantastic book. This book tends to fall more into the contemporary genre more than any other although it could maybe be placed in another. Anyway the message of this book is fantastic and I will forever remember it. I will more than likely also put a review of this book up so stay tuned!!
All that's left for me to say now is go and pick up a book and read it! It doesn't have to be what I recommended although you should definitely read it at some stage!
Bye for now!
Next post in the series-
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